2' Triangle x 5 makes a 1-of-a-kind Scarf!

from $84.00

Feeling the cool colors of light blue mint green and a dash of purple? or perhaps peaches in the summer?

These woven scarves are 80% alpaca and 20% cotton and each is a one-of-a-kind treasure! Hand woven on a two-foot triangle continuous strand method peg loom, these scarves are made from our own hand painted/dyed Funky-Chunky-Thick-and-Thin yarns. Each of the 5 triangles sewn together produce a trapezoid with a 66 inch base 11 inch height and 42 inch top. The trapezoid shape results in a lovely drape on the end triangles. Some scarves have been woven with glass beads along the edges of the final triangles.

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