Sponsor an Alpaca


The ranching life is not for everyone, but if you love alpacas, or know someone who does— give the gift of sponsoring an alpaca! You can “sponsor” an alpaca for yourself or someone special. Ownership is an expense that we may not always want to maintain, so this might make the perfect choice! Feed alone for an alpaca is rising dramatically with our current drought. The cost of hay and pellets for a year in 2022 was a solid $450 per alpaca— I anticipate this will double in 2023. Daily and veterinary care are not included in this estimate. To allow inclusivity, you may choose to sponsor just a an incremental portion of the year and get the same benefits as one who choses a full year!

When you select to “sponsor” you, or the recipient will receive a photo and information about the specific alpaca along with quarterly “letters” about life on our ranch for one year. If you are local, you may schedule an appointment to meet your sponsored alpaca in person.

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